- 这个词源于中世纪英语的"basket",再往前可以追溯到古法语"baskete",最终来源于拉丁语的"bassus",意为“低矮的”或“宽大的容器”。
- 在篮球运动中,"basket"指的是挂在一定高度的篮筐,最初是用真正的篮子做的,球员需要将球投入其中。
- 这个词同样源于中世纪英语的"ball",再往前可以追溯到古英语"beall"和拉丁语的"ballare",意为“跳舞”或“球状物”。
- 在篮球运动中,"ball"指的是用来进行比赛的球形物体。
- 例句:Basketball is a popular sport worldwide.(篮球是一项全球流行的运动。)
- 例句:He bought a new basketball to practice his dribbling.(他买了一个新篮球来练习运球。)
- 案例:In the final seconds of the game, LeBron James made a spectacular dunk that secured the victory for his team. The crowd went wild, cheering for the incredible basketball skills displayed on the court.
- 解释:在这个案例中,"basketball"指的是篮球运动。勒布朗·詹姆斯在比赛的最后几秒钟完成了一次精彩的扣篮,为他的球队锁定了胜利。观众们为场上展现的不可思议的篮球技巧而疯狂欢呼。
- 案例:In the final seconds of the game, LeBron James made a spectacular dunk that secured the victory for his team. The crowd went wild, cheering for the incredible basketball skills displayed on the court.
- 案例:Every morning, Michael practices shooting hoops with his basketball in the local park. His dedication to improving his basketball skills is evident in the hours he spends on the court.
- 解释:在这个案例中,"basketball"既可以指篮球这项运动,也可以指迈克尔用来练习的篮球。他每天早上在当地公园练习投篮,他对提高篮球技巧的投入在他在场上花费的时间里显而易见。
- 案例:Every morning, Michael practices shooting hoops with his basketball in the local park. His dedication to improving his basketball skills is evident in the hours he spends on the court.
- 案例:Basketball is not just a sport; it's a cultural phenomenon that brings people together. From street courts in New York to professional leagues in China, the love for basketball transcends borders and languages.
- 解释:在这个案例中,"basketball"指的是篮球这项运动及其文化影响力。篮球不仅仅是一项运动,它是一种文化现象,能够将人们聚集在一起。从纽约的街头球场到中国的职业联赛,对篮球的热爱跨越了国界和语言。
- 案例:Basketball is not just a sport; it's a cultural phenomenon that brings people together. From street courts in New York to professional leagues in China, the love for basketball transcends borders and languages.